Thursday, 26 August 2010

Information bill must be rubbished

By: Kopano Ramashala

The proposed information bill by the government must never see the light of day. Over the years, the ANC government has proved beyond reasonable doubt that they do not have the public's interest at heart. They have done so by introducing barbaric bills and amending others which it was totally unnecessary to do so. Remember the infamous resolutions taken at the much talked about Polokwane conference? It was just the beginning of more bills and resolution to be passed. By proposing a media tribunal, our corrupt officials wish to operate secretly and continue with their mondus operandi method until the return of Christ. They (Government) have wished the Directorate of Special Operations (DSO aka Scopions) away because the elite crime fighting unit was seen as an obstacle to riches and now the media seem to be next.

Just before they go ahead with drafting and implementing the bill, they should remember that the very same media they want to censor was used by themselves when they wanted to over-through the apartheid government. The very same media is used even today when they (Government) want the public to vote for them. According to me, those actions a tantamount to sinister, and in any way my opinion is that the bill is flawed and uncostitutional.

Media often than not, have an obligation to meet. Its obligation is amongst others to serve and inform the public, (information is a right and not a privilege) to be a mouth piece for parties concern in a particular event or crisis, and mostly to be agents of change. Yes to be seen as agents of constructive change. The proposed bill must never see the light of day, not in this democratic country. You silliness!!

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